Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Tribute to the King of Pop: Michael Jackson 1958-2009

Though Death Has Called

A little bird has taken flight;
A winged soul heads home tonight.
With silvery voice and heart of gold,
A new production now unfolds.
Beyond the cloud, the star, the moon,
The concert shares a bright new tune.

The crowd awaits, the band prepares,
A choir of angels now declares
That in their midst a glorious son
Has come to sing when day is done.
He knows of sorrow, lived the pain,
And still he'll rise to sing again.

For there is naught can keep him down,
He brings the universal sound
Of dance, of laughter, light and power,
He stands forever as a tower.
We hear your song, oh King of Pop,
And it will never, ever stop.
We hold you deep within our heart,
Though death has called, we'll never part.

Copyright 2009 Richard Kent Matthews


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