Monday, December 21, 2009

So, Useless Health Care Bill Passes Senate. Big Whoop!

I've been following the health care debate from its inception. I've watched the public option, the buy-in to Medicare, and several other rather important points sail into oblivion as Republicans and extreme conservative Democrats fight for the lives of the insurance industry, to make certain that not one dime of profit is lost. All the usual excuses have reared their ugly heads: too much possibility of public monies for abortion, continuing to exclude people with pre-existing conditions, charging higher rates for women since we all know that pregnancy is an illness (yikes!), dropping older folks from the ranks because they're too big a risk and could actually get sick and use the system. And the list goes on.

It comes down to this: The current Senate edition of the health care bill is useless. It will not in any way help you or me get better health coverage or, worse, no better health care. Our only hope is that the House will not accept the watered down Senate bill and will dump the whole thing. And, if Howard Dean has his way, that is what will happen.

I am with you, Gov. Dean. Block that bill and kill it.

In the mean time, here's wishing all of you a great holiday season. 

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