Friday, October 30, 2009

(A New Thought Entry) Maya Angelou, Unity Student

Here's a great little snippet from Unity's online newsletter, which I receive each month:

Maya Angelou’s experience with Lessons in Truth.
Renowned author and actress Maya Angelou is a Unity Truth student. While participating in a recent online Unity course, she described how the classic book, Lessons in Truth, changed her life more than 50 years ago.

I was given Lessons In Truth in 1955. I was a dancer and had just joined the opera Porgy and Bess. I was told that the world tour would take us to Europe and behind the Iron Curtain. I was young and had great trepidation about traveling so far from home. Then I read Lessons In Truth and found the statement “God Loves Me.” I repeated that statement over and over and when it finally sank into my intellect and then into my spirit, I knew that I was free and could attempt any good thing—for God loves me. I have been a student of Unity for 54 years, never studying formally. I am very excited to be a student of this this class and am already richer for having been accepted. —Maya Angelou

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