Friday, July 31, 2009

Study of 10,000 Online News Readers Reveals the Tony Robbins Effect

News Release: The 2009 poll of 10,000 female online news readers aged 18 - 35 asked of them to define their daily experiences after reading positive news online.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 31, 2009 -- A 2009 study conducted by the Los Angeles news site reveals that women are more likely to experience positive outcomes throughout their day after reading news considered to positive in nature. The poll of 10,000 women news readers aged 18 - 35 asked of them to define exactly their daily experiences after reading positive news articles for one week. A staggering 71% revealed that they would experience seemingly unexpected positive outcomes throughout each of the days of the study.

Forrest Kolb, President of dubs Tony Robbins to be synonymous with "positivity."

Website owner Forrest Kolb proposes that "women are becoming immersed with the idea that the whatever you read about and think about, you actually bring about throughout your day." He even coined the behavior as "The Tony Robbins Effect." Mr. Kolb further explains that "viral documentaries like 'The Secret' have really set the stage for this to be a reality. Women are quick learners and when they begin to notice that the friends of theirs who surround themselves in negativity experience more negative outcomes in life, they immediately form positive habits in their own life. That being said, the results aren't very shocking to me."

The women who participated in the poll resided in major cities around the country. The cities included in the poll were San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles. Of the 10,000 women who took part in the study, 27% stated they experienced no change throughout their day, while 2% said that reading positive news actually yielded negative outcomes throughout their day.

1 comment:

  1. An insightfull post. Will definitely help.

    Karim - Creating Power


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