Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why Do You Think You're Here? - How To Put Fire Into Your Life

“It’s not good enough that we do our best. Sometimes we have to do what’s required.” Winston Churchill

Let’s get you thinking—really thinking—today. If you believe you have some sort of purpose in this life other than to just do time, what is that? Do you know? Are you living it? If not, answering these questions will help you discover how to have a greater impact—on your world, on yourself:
  1. What’s most important to you?
  2. What are your deeply held values?
  3. What kind of person do you wish to be?
  4. How do you want to be remembered by others, not just after you die, but as you encounter them on a daily basis?
  5. What accomplishments would help you feel and know that you’ve contributed your part to this planet and its inhabitants?
  6. What holds you back?
You don’t have to do long drawn out exercises or go to expensive or even free workshops and seminars to get a good idea of where you can be most effective. By answering these questions, you remove the blinders and barriers in your life. Now, you can choose to either move forward, or continue to procrastinate.

But you’ll know your purpose.

“However you view success, decide, begin, don’t stop.” Danny Cox


  1. Thanks for the prompts. I'm jotting them down. It is always helpful to question if we are on the right track, and if we are not, to figure out how to get there. :)

  2. You're welcome, Moonbeams and Eco-Dreams. We sometimes think that 'purpose' must come from on high and be delivered to us on angels' wings. In reality, as we get clear on our values and interests, we find opportunities to be of service literally falling into our laps. And it's nothing supernatural, which is actually the best part!


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